Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Possible Places To Be Featured

Where would my video be featured?

Since the coming about of web2.0 (which is believed to have properly come about in early 2006) the internet has become a hub of pretty much all things, and almost anywhere on the web you will be able to find someone's opinion on something, no matter how small. You can also find out statistics on music videos from sites such as YouTube, so you can find out what the audience likes and what they dislike.

YouTube would be my primary source for advertising my video and where I would feature it. There are a few reasons why I would advertise it here. One reason is that YouTube is the largest on-line video sharing network and the second biggest search engine behind its parent search engine, Google. I found this diagram to show why I would use YouTube as a primary source.

As you can see those stats are too good and they are true, YouTube opens up doors for millions of people looking to produce content and get recognised, these often include people who are making music videos for Indie artists as they probably do not have the right amount of financial backing to produce a high budget video to be shown on TV which is what pop stars will have. This opens up doors for musicians and producers alike and they can start to develop a following on YouTube and can begin to generate profit from the site. 
Another reason why YouTube would be the first hand choice for sharing my music video is because. One of those statistics suggests that there are One billion views that come from mobile devices everyday, which is a outstanding number. One of the reasons for this is because not everyone has access to  a TV so they can watch MTV all of the time to check out the videos, so they just whip out their phones and type away, searching for the music they love and getting the video to accompany it in a matter of seconds, and due to the recent innovation of 4G technology YouTube videos are becoming more and more accessible around the globe and they are buffered and in 1080p in a matter of seconds, where as in the beginning of web2.0 it would take minutes to buffer a video in a mere 360p. Also to accompany this is the stat that 25% of all of YouTube's views are from mobile devices, and to say that the App has only been available for a quarter of the time that the site has actually been up suggests that mobile technology is getting better and better, to  a point where the majority of people have switched from viewing TV and watching YouTube on the computer to watching there favourite videos on the go. This is because the technology has made it easier for us to do so and because it is so easy we get our instant satisfaction that we have become accustom too. 
The YouTube search is another reason why, as you can search for anything and it is very easy to find things that you are looking for as you can add tags to videos to make sure when your target audience searches for your video then they find you. 17% of all the internet traffic runs through YouTube so the chances of your audience stumbling upon you video is highly likely. Another reason why YouTube would be the ideal site is because they have a stats feature where you can see how many people watch the video, how many like and dislike it, how long they spent on the video before turning it off, and because of web2.0 they can comment and interact with the content creator allowing for feedback and what they can improve on. This is the reason why the statistics page is so good, because you can see what is working and what needs improvement to get you to the top of creating a music video and moving onto bigger things in the future.
The final reason that I have for YouTube is that the site allows you to generate a profit from the amount of clicks per video and when it gets paid into your Ad sense account then you can put the profit into creating new videos and getting better at it and becoming more well know and generating a bigger profit.


Twitter would be my second option as it is also one of the biggest social media sites in the world, and a lot of people use it because of the simplicity of the application, just simply write out anything you want and post it. Bearing in mind that the tweet has to be limited to 140 characters, but this is not a bad thing as the tweets are usually short and straight to the point. Here is some statistics for businesses that use twitter and some of the audience's feedback and why Twitter is helpful for them.

As you can see the title of the picture is labeled the power of Twitter, which is exactly what it shows, that is the sheer power of the social media, and in particular Twitter. The opening statement says that Twitter users are three times more likely to follow brands than facebook users, this is good because you can get a message across far easier to far more people than if you where to use facebook and I like how it puts it, making it a huge potential source for mass influence, this could help my music video as it would get across to three times as any people and it would be much easier and faster to get it onto Twitter. Another one of the more 'stand out' facts in this is that out of every 100 active twitter users that engage with brands, 43 share news and info about the brand, 35 are actively using the brand, 21 are voicing their opinion about the brand and 1 is directly conversing with the brand. Why is this good for my music video? Well almost half of the people will be talking about the brand making the word get spread around and making more people interested in the product itself. 35 people will actually be watching the product while tweeting about it and 21 are voicing there opinion, so they are giving feedback on the product, so I know how I can improve it, while 1 is actually talking to me about what they like and what they dont like and helping me improve my product for the next time.
These are all good stats and the reasons as to why i would have Twitter as my second choice for a place where I would advertise my video.

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